Rangsiman Ketkaew

Ph.D. Student in Computational Chemistry and Machine Learning at UZH

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Category : Linux

Basic Linux for the Beginner

Introduction to Linux

Linux is the best-known and most-used open source operating system, developed by Linux Torvalds. It’s free, fast, lightweight, beautiful, and powerful OS forever. The Kernel source code can be found on Torvalds/Linux.

Introduction to Linux: the powerful tool for everyone

  1. Unix Tutorial for Beginners from the EE dept at Surrey
  2. Basic UNIX commands (and More Unix) from Suzanne Riehemann at Stanford
  3. Basic UNIX commands by Manuel Muriel Cordero
  4. Perl tutorial from Perl Hub
  5. Linux Tricks from TecMint

The command line (CL) is one of the most powerful features of Linux. If you have familiar with Linux command line enough, you do not even need any computer mouse, keyboard is your weapon. There exists a sea of Linux command line tools, allowing you to do almost everything you can think of doing on your Linux PC. However, this usually creates a problem: with so many commands available to use, you don’t know where and how to start learning them, especially when you are beginner. Therefore, I would like to suggest you, especially who just starts Linux, to watch this very useful playlist.

Text Editor and Linux Utilities

Text editor

  1. Gedit program for newbie
  2. Basic VI commands from the CS dept at Colorado State.
  3. Emacs Basics from Suzanne Riehemann at Stanford.

Shell Scripting

  1. Shell Scripts from Tutorials Point
  2. Shell Scripting tutorial from ShellScript.sh