Rangsiman Ketkaew

Ph.D. Student in Computational Chemistry and Machine Learning at UZH

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Category : Linux   server

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Remote Control Linux Client using Passwordless SSH

Suppose that a cluster has mother node and clients nodes whose their hostname are follows:

  • compute-1
  • compute-2
  • compute-3
  • compute-4
  • compute-5

Step 1. Generating a private key

The first step starts with creation of an authentication key on Remote SSH for accessing to client or computing node.

Run the following command to generate the key.


You will be asked where you want to save the private key files. Just Enter and the files will be stored in a hidden folder under your home by default setting.

Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/home/rangsiman/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:

Enter three times to use default value. Then you will get the warning message. Now it’s finished.

The key fingerprint is:
--------------------------------------------------- rangsiman@RemoteSSH
The key's randomart image is:
+--[ RSA 2048]----+
| .==. E          |
| o.o.* =         |
|. o = =          |
| + o . +         |
|  + +   S        |
|   o o .         |
|    .            |
|                 |
|                 |

Look at $HOME/.ssh/. There you should have id_ras and id_ras.pub files. Now, copy id_ras.pub to authorized_keys file.

cp id_ras.pub authorized_keys

Step 2. Create automatic script to send token authentication key to all clients

On Remote SSH, create new bash script and copy/paste following code to bash script.

cd $HOME/.ssh
for i in compute-{1..5}
  scp -r id_ras id_rsa.pub authorized_keys $USER@$i:$HOME/.ssh/

Step 3. Executing script

Change permission of a bash script using command

chmod +x bash_script.sh

You also must change the hostname of client before run the script !

Then execute the script


Files specified in scp line will be sent to compute-1, compute-2, compute-3, compute-4, and compute-5.

When it’s done, you are able to access to client using SSH passwordless.